This year was one of the last years of 4-H for one of my closest friends Keltey Whelan. 4-H on Parade was the last 4-H event we were ever going to spend together as 4-Hers. I originally met Keltey from joining our 4-H club ``Irricana Beef & Multi.`` Right from there on in we clicked and have had incredibly genuine times together. We have been to alot of cattle shows together, and discussed alot of different things about cattle. Sharing our thoughts and feelings on different breeds, showing, and just the cattle industry as a whole. Not to mention that me and her come from two different operations that raise two totally different kinds of cattle. She raises Main Anjou and I raise Herefords. But I can say that our friendship has been nothing but good for us.
Me not knowing anything about Main`s , I can say that I have gained a whole new knowledge and respect for the breed from just being friends with Keltey. I am sure I can say the exact same for her and Herefords, it was hillarious watching her lead her first ``horned Hereford bull`` when she worked for us at the Calgary Bull sale. I think that both our interests in the cattle industry and showing are the majority reason for why we have such a great friendship.
``Me and Keltey at 4-H on Parade This year``
This industry does really bring people a whole lot closer and makes you discover new friends and meet a ton of new people. As well as 4-H it opens your veiws on different parts of the cattle bissinuss and lets you learn new things. If it was not for 4-H I would have never have created such an incredible friendship as I did. It was sad to see Keltey leave 4-H as she is in grade twelve and now will be going to University. I can not thank her enough for teaching me new things, and just all in all being a great friend. But they say the ending is just a new beginning. Our friendship will always stay strong and memories from our past 4-H years will always stay present in our mind. Me and Keltey will have fun this summer showing in open shows, and all I can say is thank-you 4-H for giving me the chance to meet an awsome friend who has been a major part of my life.